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Not Welcome

The Otherness of Words

The Otherness of Words

The Other Wife

What is the nature of human love? Burt enters his office one day to find a large handwritten folder marked “CONFIDENTIAL”. The unexpected package has come from an old university mate: a charming, successful, and well-loved Australian man named Ted Harris. Twenty-five years post-university, Ted seems to have it all: a partnership in a successful law firm, respect, wealth, and the perfect wife. Manfred Jurgensen’s poetry reflects on a variety of personal journeys holding no promise of arrival, fulfilment or redemption. Yet it retains a stubborn willingness to suffer the brutal confrontations of alienation, guilt and grief, “as if the dark were able to set itself alight” In The Other Wife, Manfred Jurgensen uses his unique writing style and several narrative voices to examine the internal conflicts of disease, our responsibility for those we care for, and the very nature of this undefinable thing we call love.