Speeches of War and Peace

Speeches of War and Peace

Haunted and Mysterious Australia

Haunted and Mysterious Australia

Speeches of War and Peace


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Speeches of War and Peace draws together the most important and memorable speeches, from some of the greatest orators the world has ever heard, about the modern history of conflict and the desire for peace.

Many of these speeches are iconic signposts in the passage of time with the recurring themes of war and peace: Abraham Lincoln?s ?Gettysburg Address?, Harry Truman?s ?It is an Atomic Bomb?, Ho Chi Minh?s ?We Have Wrested Our Independence?, V?clav Havel?s ?People, Your Government Has Returned to You!? Barack Obama?s ?Our Spirit Is Stronger and Cannot Be Broken?. Others are relatively unknown, Emmeline Pankhurst?s ?Our Civil War?, William Faulkner?s ?I Decline to Accept the End of Man?, and Lu?sa Dias Diogo?s, ?Where Women Have No Rights There Are No Human Rights?.