Reed Concise Guide: Beetles of Australia

Reed Concise Guide: Beetles of Australia

Reed Concise Guide: Lilies of Australia

Reed Concise Guide: Lilies of Australia

The Australian Barbecue Bible

Easy and modern recipes

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By David Cowie
Format Paperback / softback
Page Extent 356
Book Size 0 mm (H x W x D)
Imprint New Holland Publishers
Release Date 5 Aug 2024
Subject Classification Cookery / food & drink etc / Cooking with specific gadgets
'The Australian Barbecue Bible' covers everything you would need to know about cooking on your barbecue or on a hot grill.

From covering cooking methods on gas or wood fire grills from kettle barbecues to traditional barbecues this book covers all your need to know. Understanding different woods for flavour or using a direct- heat method or indirect- heat method and how to prepare your grill ready to cook and get the best result.

Eating and cooking outdoors is part of the Australian lifestyle and this book gives you everything from starters to the best ways of cooking your favourite meat or vegetables.

This has very easy, modern and simple recipes from the perfect way to cook a steak, and preparing the steak before it hits the grill. Lots of family friendly recipes like chicken wings to feed a crowd to hamburgers, skewers or roasts with pork, lamb and beef.

It has a variety of different hamburger or roll recipes with a steak sandwich or Meatloaf Burger to Beef Sliders and hot dogs.

Seafood dishes include mussels, oysters, fish tacos, lobsters and prawns and an easy seafood paella with great traditional salads on the sides and wasy quick sauces, dressings and marinates along with a good size vegetable chapter. Different rubs and salts are also included and a pizza and bread section. This is a book that almost every recipe page you turn you will want to cook from this book. Great photos, easy, simple and modern recipes.