Cocaine Cassie

Cocaine Cassie

My Mate Gidgee

My Mate Gidgee

The Secret to a Healthy Spine

A user's guide to overcoming back pain


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By Jason Gilbert
Format Paperback / softback
Page Extent 256
Book Size 320 mm (H x W x D)
Imprint New Holland Publishers
Release Date 6 May 2022
Subject Classification Family & health / Coping with personal problems / Coping with illness

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We all know how important it is to care for our back, but knowing where to start can be challenging. This is understandable, as we are not really taught how to properly care for our spine. That’s where Jason Gilbert’s book, “The Secret to a Healthy Spine”, comes in.

This essential guide covers everything you need to know about maintaining a healthy spine. From identifying the physical causes of back pain—such as incorrect sitting, working, and sleeping postures—to understanding the impact of chemical factors like poor diet, dehydration, and toxicity, Gilbert leaves no stone unturned. No guide to spinal health would be complete without addressing the emotional causes of back pain in today’s stressful world. The book highlights the importance of sleep, stress management, and other key factors in maintaining spinal health. Drawing on his 30 years of experience as a spinal care expert, Gilbert has positively impacted the lives of tens of thousands of people, providing you with everything you need to know to get your back in top shape—and keep it that way.

With clear and concise language and helpful illustrations, “The Secret to a Healthy Spine” is the perfect resource for anyone looking to better understand and care for their spine. Not only will this book help relieve your symptoms, but it will also equip you with the knowledge correct the underlying causes/s there by ensuring the longevity of your spine—an investment with one of the highest returns possible. Everything important in life depends on our health, especially our spinal health. This book will empower you with the knowledge you need to keep your spine functioning optimally throughout your life and help you achieve greater health at any age.

Jason Gilbert

Jason first felt back pain at the age of seven. He didn’t know it at the time, but his functional and structural spinal problem would eventually lead him to spinal surgery. Well before this, however, these problems led him to study and complete a 5-year master of Chiropractic program, which allowed him to work with hundreds of thousands of people all around the world and, as a result, develop a profound understanding of why back pain occurs. During his journey, he has also accumulated extensive knowledge and achieved the following significant goals, which all contribute to the wealth of understanding that he passes on to you via his new book.

Bachelor of Science- Master of Chiropractic-Diploma of Acupuncture- Jason Gilbert has been a Sports Physician with the World Surfing League for 20 years. He specialises in the restoration of biomechanical function, both for athletes and those who have lost it due to inadequate postural problems.

Jason feels that being expertly qualified to guide you towards spinal health comes from both his own journey with back pain, his academic qualifications, and his deep clinical knowledge gained from listening to and guiding hundreds of thousands of people towards spinal function, and therefore pain- free lifestyles, over the last three decades.